Tuesday, March 27, 2007

the perfect antithesis of me

there's a Genie bean I've grown for nine years
but never really grew close til recent five
we grew close not because we 'click'
we grow closer because we bump every turns we took

i dont get her and she doesn't get me
we see things different, we stress out different
we argue our point to tears
for one can't see the other view

Things in common is something we're not
for we breathe different air and drink diverse water
beanship we share is shaky yet sturdy
and through time sticky beans we've become

When harsh wind blew into my world
i'm glad Genie bean is on my side
for she keep me steady
whatever storm may come and blow

i may never understand your point of view
but i do understand our friendship
we are friends because we are friends
theres no string attach and yet we stick

for we know we both kind sick
of you being you
and me being me
but gal, you cured me of me..

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