These are the list of things that curling in my mind, that i'd wish i know earlier on life. I have strong belief in this list and i suspect life could be easier if i can, which i cannot always, stick to these rule :
1. If you should ever choose beetwen beauty and brain, always go for beauty !!
People always wants to help makes life easier and bearable for the pretty ladies.. even when she doesn't need the help.
2. People dont always remember what u said, but they'll always remember how you make them feel.
when u said something bad, people dont always remember what you've said, but they always remember the feelings of hurt u cause.. so if u can't say something nice, just shut your mouth !!
3. Always stand-up for yourself or you will be perceived as a Doormat-personality
when you let people walk over you once, they'll walk all over you again and again.. and when u finally stand up for yourself, they'll think that you have an attitude problem, because its not natural for a doormat, not wanting to be doormat.
4.when you are struggling, you are on the rigth path
I learned this from my fitness instructor, when i complained that my leg is tremble-ing, and the weight is too heavy for me that i find it hard to keep my body stable. she said, "then you are doing it right". Apparantly in order for the muscle to strenghten i have to challenged it, traumatize it so bad, that in order to cope-up, the body will have to become stronger. and i think it applies in other area on life. if you want to grow u have to traumatize your self. if you want to be smarter, traumatize your brain, if you want to be emotionally stronger traumatize your heart, etc, etc..
5. Believe in yourself.
Sometimes confident people are not always the right one for the job, but they'll surely get ahead because they have confidence in themselves. Often the competent one have everything she/he needs in order to succed, but she/he is failing because she/he always constantly questioning her/his self.
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